Plastic Earth

“Plastic Earth” is a groundbreakingdocumentary that explores the urgent need to address the global plastic crisis. With plastic production from fossil-based sources on the rise, the world is facing an existential threat from climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss.

See viewing options here.

2023 (1 h 40 min)

Mosaic for the Earth

Two hundred and fifty musicians filled the stage to perform this world premiere. Mosaic for Earth features lyrics by leading environmental authors, visual arts projections designed by Virginia Tech’s David Franusich, and stunning illuminations by Barbara Wolff, Psalm 104: You Renew the Face of the Earth.

Mosaic for Earth celebrates the wonders of nature and explores humanity’s impact on the environment and our responsibility towards it. The concert featured special guest soloists Danielle Talamantes (Virginia Tech alumna and Metropolitan Opera soprano), Jami Rhodes (mezzo soprano), Isaac Hurtado (tenor), and Christopher Holmes (baritone).

See viewing options here.

2022 (2h 1 m)

Homegrown National Parks Short Films

This series of Homegrown National Park® (HNP) videos aims to raise awareness and urgently inspire everyone to address the biodiversity crisis by adding native plants and removing invasive ones where we live, work, learn, pray, and play.

See viewing options here.


COLLISION presents how a worldwide increase in shipping traffic is threatening our oceans, its inhabitants and the planet. It focuses on the under-reported issue of fatal ship strikes on whales, a threat which is endangering their very existence.

See viewing options here.

2023 (1 h 24 min)

The Canary

Daring to seek Earth’s history contained in glaciers atop the tallest mountains in the world, Doctor Lonnie Thompson’s life’s work evolves into a salvage mission to recover priceless historical records before they disappear forever.

See viewing options here.

2023 (1h 44m)

Chasing Carbon Zero, NOVA

The U.S. recently set an ambitious climate change goal: zero carbon emissions by 2050. And to achieve that, slash emissions in half by 2030. Is it possible? And what kind of technology would it take? Meet scientists and engineers who are convinced we can achieve carbon zero in time to avoid the biggest impacts of climate change.

See viewing options here.

2023 (1h 44m)

Chasing Carbon Zero, NOVA

Can the U.S. reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 and avoid the biggest impacts of climate change? Experts say it can be done. Here’s the technology that could get us there.

Film: The Canary

Witness the extraordinary life of Dr. Lonnie Thompson, an explorer who went where no scientist had gone before and transformed our idea of what is possible. Daring to seek Earth’s history contained in glaciers atop the tallest mountains in the world, Lonnie found himself on the frontlines of climate change—his life’s work evolving into a salvage mission to recover these priceless historical records before they disappear forever.