
We're Green, We're Gray, and We're NOT Going Away!


Heat and the Elderly and Vulnerable Populations

General Committee Meeting

🗓️ Thursday, August 1st 🗓️

11:00 AM to 12:15 PM Eastern
10:00 AM to 11:15 AM Central
8:00 AM to 9:15 AM Pacific

Guest speaker, Dr. Alan Lockwood, Kendal at Oberlin will speak about the effect of heat on the elderly and vulnerable populations—and how to mitigate the risk.

⚠️ NEW: SSAFE Members must register to attend SSAFE General Committee meetings. Please click here to register.

*Must register before August 1st to attend.

The Latest Issue of the SSAFE Newsletter is
Ready to Read!

The July 2024 edition of the SSAFE quarterly newsletter is published and ready to read!

Download a PDF version to read online here.

Flip through an interactive
online version here.

Check with your SSAFE Board Member
during the first week of July
for a paper copy.

Funding Sustainability Projects

A new SSAFE web page listing resources for sustainability committees or community administrations seeking funding for net-zero and
sustainability projects.

Note: This is a new page and will be updated as we locate more resources.

We need you! Are YOU interested in working with a few other SSAFE members to research or document funding opportunities?

Contact us to submit your name and interests.

Upcoming Meetings for SSAFE Members

SSAFE General Committee Meeting
August 1st at 11 AM ET / 10 AM CT

Greening Our Campuses Team
June 20th at 10 AM ET / 9 AM CT

Contact us for meeting information.
View the entire SSAFE Calendar here.

Recent Activity from SSAFE Teams and Chapters

SSAFE 2024 Q2 Cross-Campus Sustainability Chart

2024 Cross-Campus Campus Sustainability Chart

♻️ Have you ever wondered about the sustainability projects going on at each SSAFE Chapter community? Now you can see them summarized on the 2024 Q1 SSAFE Cross-Campus Sustainability Chart. See projects in progress or planned on each campus!

Larval Landing hexagon honeycomb-shaped frame to collect leaf litter for pollinators.

Larval Landings to Collect Leaf Litter

At the April 4th, 2024 SSAFE General Committee Meeting, our guest speaker, Doug Tallamy, mentioned a way to protect pollinator habitat while maintaining a manicured appearance. Click the link above to read more, see photos, watch a video, and down the instructions for Larval Landings developed by Peter Keilty from Bees for All.

Are you ready to join ssafe?