Single Use Plastics Workshop

Single-Use Plastics Workshop

Mark your Calendars for Friday, May 17th, 2024
10:30 AM to 12:00 Noon Eastern
9:30 AM to 11:00 AM Central
7:30 AM to 10:00 AM Pacific


Many SSAFE Members have expressed a desire to reduce single-use plastics in their communities. 

Single-use plastics are visible in our everyday lives. From water and beverages sold in plastic bottles, plastic take-out containers, and plastic bags, to food packaging.

Providing alternatives to single-use plastics helps the environment and is visible evidence that we are “living our values”. 

Plastics pose a health threat to humanity and the entire ecosystem on the planet.

The purpose of this workshop is to provide a mechanism for an exchange of ideas and propose solutions for reducing single-use plastics.

Breakout Rooms

The workshop will be divided into three breakout rooms. You will be assigned to one breakout room during the meeting to allow enough time to explore the issues and solutions thoroughly.

Each breakout room will have one moderator and recorder/reporter. After the breakout rooms close, the recorder will report the results to the rest of the meeting with plenty of time for questions, comments, and exchange of information.

Please select your FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD choices when registering. We will do our best to assign you to your FIRST choice of topics.

Read the breakout room summaries below for more information.

Sorry, the registration period has closed. 

Please stay tuned for additional SSAFE workshops coming soon! 

Civic Policies & Education
Reducing single-use plastic at your campus may require campus, community, or even regional policy changes. New policies may need to be created or existing policies may need to be reinforced by educating staff and residents. Join this breakout session to brainstorm ways to reduce single-use plastic through policies and education.

Dining Room, Take Out, & Catering
Single-use plastics are conspicuous in senior living community dining areas and catered events. The growing awareness among residents about the environmental impact of these plastics has sparked a strong desire to reduce their use. Join this breakout session to brainstorm ways to reduce single-use plastics in campus dining rooms, for taking out food, and at catered events.

Daily Living
Single-use plastics are pervasive in our daily routines, often unnoticed due to their convenience, from product and food packaging to our shopping habits. Habitual reliance on plastics highlights the need for increased awareness and a shift towards more sustainable practices. Join this session to brainstorm ways to find substitutes for single-use plastic in daily life and come up with a plan to share these findings with other residents.