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Our Stolen Future: Are We Threatening Our Fertility, Intelligence, and Survival?

 Category: Environmental Health, Science and Environment

Our Stolen Future examines the ways that certain synthetic chemicals interfere with hormonal messages involved in the control of growth and development, especially in the fetus.

Scientific research over the last 50 years has revealed that this hormonal control of development is vulnerable to disruption by synthetic chemicals.

Our Stolen Future explores the scientific discovery of endocrine disruption. The investigation begins with wildlife, as it was in animals that the first hints of widespread endocrine disruption appeared.

Our Stolen Future then asks a broader, more difficult and more controversial set of questions. Given what is known from wildlife and laboratory studies, and from examples of well-studied human exposure, and given that exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in the real world is widespread at levels comparable to those sufficient to cause animal harm, what effects should health scientists be looking for in people in general?

About the author

[books_gallery_author author=""][books_gallery_author author="Dianne Dumanoski"][books_gallery_author author="John Peterson Myers"][books_gallery_author author="Theo Colborn"]

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