Arguing that more than even a scientific or technical challenge, climate change is a moral challenge, and that moral arguments are a primary necessity. This staggering collection brings us Thomas Berry, Desmond Tutu, Sally McFague, Robin Kimmerer, Brian Doyle and dozens of others.
A Photographic Field Guide and Month-By-Month Journey Through the Fields, Woods, and Marshes of New England
Written early in the 21st century, the message in this must-read for parents and grandparents is even more urgent today. Linking the absence of meaningful connection with nature in today’ children to physical and emotional health disorders, the author offers practical solutions. Calling for a “nature-child reunion,” his hopeful prescription...
Here’s the book that “outed” climate change into the public at large. Gore first got religion when he learned of the impact of CO2 on global heating. Scorned by conservatives, he has proven tragically right and remains a key climate pioneer.