The SSAFE Energy Pathway to Net Zero

The SSAFE Energy Pathway to Net-Zero for Senior Living Communities

  1. The Need For A Plan (What is Net-Zero?)
    1. Why The Paris Goals Are Important
    2. Why Retirement Communities? 1 Million Residents
    3. Where The SSAFE Pathway Fits
      1. An Example Of A Pathway (Longwood Example)
      2. The Pathway as part of a campus-wide sustainability plan
  2. Long Range Planning
    1. Setting priorities
    2. Achieving 50% in 2030
    3. Achieving 100% in 2050
  3. Understanding Your Energy Usage Overview
    1. Planning and tracking progress
    2. Energy Audit Overview
      1. Case Study (link)
      2. RFP Template (link)
    3. Carbon Footprint Overview
      1. What is a carbon footprint?
      2. What are scopes?
      3. Methods of measurement (pros and cons?)
      4. Carbon footprint case study (link)
      5. Carbon-footprint basics from utility bills (Simple Carbon Footprint)
    4. Portfolio Manager Overview (Venn diagrams here?)
      1. Portfolio Manager 101 for Senior Living Communities (link)
    5. EUI Overview
      1. EUI Examples
  4. Efficiency & Conservation
    1. Eliminating on-campus use of fossil fuels
    2. New Construction
      1. Mott Cottages (Crosslands)
    3. Turnovers
      1. Turnover Guide
      2. Unit Turnover Team Deliverable
    4. Priorities From Audit (Hanover)
    5. Efficiency-Related Standards
    6. Sustainable Building Materials
  5. Eliminating Fossil Fuels (Intro & General Issues, Admin, Etc.)
    1. On-Site Use
      1. HVAC
        1. Heat Recovery Ventilation System
      2. Hot Water
      3. Induction Cooking (Dorothy Luciano)
      4. Laundry
      5. Pools
      6. On-Campus Transportation
      7. Lawn Care
    2. Uses On The Way In (Suppliers)
      1. Deliveries (What Type Of Vehicles Used To Bring Deliveries)
      2. Food/Agriculture (What Goes Into The Incoming Food, Sourcing Green Alternatives)
        1. Hydroponics (Partially Added By Dorothy Yuan)
    3. Uses On The Way Out
      1. Waste Treatment
      2. Trash And Recycling
        1. Handling Trash And Recyclables
        2. EV
        3. Move Toward Carbon Neutral Processing (e.g., Taking Styrofoam To Recycling Processes)
      3. Food Waste
      4. Shipping
    4. Travel
      1. Staff & Admin Commuting
      2. Off-Campus Travel (Local, Vacations)
      3. Air Travel
    5. Clean Fuels
  6. Electrification
    1. Grid Basics
    2. Procuring & Managing “Green” Electricity
    3. On-Site
      1. Solar/Wind/Water
      2. Demand Management (Including Building Management Systems)
      3. Storage
      4. Backup Generators & Emergency Power
    4. Cost Reduction Opportunities
      1. Time-Of-Use
      2. Peak Charges Case Study
  7. Sinks And Offsets
    1. Grounds And Woodlands
    2. RECs, etc.
    3. Offsets
  8. Gaining Support
    1. Working With Residents
    2. Working With The Administration
    3. Making The Financial Case
    4. Grants And Other Funding Sources
  9. Available SSAFE Tools
    1. Education
    2. Advocacy