The SSAFE Energy Pathway to Net Zero
The SSAFE Energy Pathway to Net-Zero for Senior Living Communities
- The Need For A Plan (What is Net-Zero?)
- Why The Paris Goals Are Important
- Why Retirement Communities? 1 Million Residents
- Where The SSAFE Pathway Fits
- An Example Of A Pathway (Longwood Example)
- The Pathway as part of a campus-wide sustainability plan
- Long Range Planning
- Setting priorities
- Achieving 50% in 2030
- Achieving 100% in 2050
- Understanding Your Energy Usage Overview
- Planning and tracking progress
- Energy Audit Overview
- Case Study (link)
- RFP Template (link)
- Carbon Footprint Overview
- What is a carbon footprint?
- What are scopes?
- Methods of measurement (pros and cons?)
- Carbon footprint case study (link)
- Carbon-footprint basics from utility bills (Simple Carbon Footprint)
- Portfolio Manager Overview (Venn diagrams here?)
- Portfolio Manager 101 for Senior Living Communities (link)
- EUI Overview
- EUI Examples
- Efficiency & Conservation
- Eliminating on-campus use of fossil fuels
- New Construction
- Mott Cottages (Crosslands)
- Turnovers
- Turnover Guide
- Unit Turnover Team Deliverable
- Priorities From Audit (Hanover)
- Efficiency-Related Standards
- Sustainable Building Materials
- Eliminating Fossil Fuels (Intro & General Issues, Admin, Etc.)
- On-Site Use
- Heat Recovery Ventilation System
- Hot Water
- Induction Cooking (Dorothy Luciano)
- Laundry
- Pools
- On-Campus Transportation
- Lawn Care
- Uses On The Way In (Suppliers)
- Deliveries (What Type Of Vehicles Used To Bring Deliveries)
- Food/Agriculture (What Goes Into The Incoming Food, Sourcing Green Alternatives)
- Hydroponics (Partially Added By Dorothy Yuan)
- Uses On The Way Out
- Waste Treatment
- Trash And Recycling
- Handling Trash And Recyclables
- EV
- Move Toward Carbon Neutral Processing (e.g., Taking Styrofoam To Recycling Processes)
- Food Waste
- Shipping
- Travel
- Staff & Admin Commuting
- Off-Campus Travel (Local, Vacations)
- Air Travel
- Clean Fuels
- On-Site Use
- Electrification
- Grid Basics
- Procuring & Managing “Green” Electricity
- On-Site
- Solar/Wind/Water
- Demand Management (Including Building Management Systems)
- Storage
- Backup Generators & Emergency Power
- Cost Reduction Opportunities
- Time-Of-Use
- Peak Charges Case Study
- Sinks And Offsets
- Grounds And Woodlands
- RECs, etc.
- Offsets
- Gaining Support
- Working With Residents
- Working With The Administration
- Making The Financial Case
- Grants And Other Funding Sources
- Available SSAFE Tools
- Education
- Advocacy