Although it never plumbs the depths of worthy of a full understanding of the climate challenge, this book is well worth reading, and will elevate public awareness as fully as its own position on the Times best-seller list. Hopeful, coolly nerdy, and useful.

Having detailed the coming man-made climate disaster in her Pulitzer-winning The Sixth Extinction, Kolbert explores the costs of trying to repair the mess by more manipulation of Mother Nature. “By turns inspiring, terrifying, and darkly comic,” says the jacket.

This book is recommended by Third Act in their 2023 Public Utilities Commission Teach-In Webinar.

By the founder of 350.org and dean of popular climate writing, this, his most recent book, offers us a perfect storm of the disasters that lie ahead if we don’t pay attention: artificial intelligence, genetic manipulation, and climate meltdown. Read and tremble.

Recommended by Beyond Plastics
Plastic built the modern world. Where would we be without pacemakers, polyester, computers, cellphones, sneakers or chewing gum. (Plastic in gum? Yep!)
But a century into our love affair with plastic, we’re starting to realize it’s not such a healthy one. Plastics draw on dwindling fossil fuels,...